While on a diet, some people may experience or may develop illnesses or eating disorders. These are due to inappropriate way of eating or dieting. Or, sometimes it originate from mixture of issues like emotional issues, behavioral concerns or physical problems.
Eating disorders come with different types such as anorexia and bulimia. It also has the binge eating disorders. Eating disorder sufferers usually indulge to food as a coping mechanism to deal with their stressors.
Aside from strict dieting, behaviors of people with this kind of disorder include restriction in food consumption and purging. These kinds of activities are harmful in the physical well-being of an individual and may also affect the emotional aspect. However, in order to prevent the occurrence of such while on a strict diet, you may check this for an appropriate way of dieting and will also help you to know the importance of appropriate diet for you.
Meanwhile, consultation on a disciplinary team can increase the recovery rate of those who suffer anorexia or bulimia. Additionally, aside from medication, the following treatment may be helpful:
• Proper nutrition management
• Psychotherapy
• Art therapy
• Family-based therapy
• Physical and Occupational therapy
With all these treatments, we will focus on utilizing art therapy in dealing with eating disorders.
Art Therapy
Art therapy is under psychotherapy which utilizes art to improve and understand the mental and emotional condition of a person. Moreover, in order to communicate under this kind of therapy, art serves as their medium. Examples of such are painting, sculpting, drawing, scrapbooking, and collage making to name a few.
Art therapy: other definitions:
• It is the process of making art and understanding the meaning of artwork
• Producing the things that makes you feels right
• A type of self-discovery that is safe and reflective.
Art therapy and its connection with eating disorders
In the recovery stage of an eating disorders sufferer, art therapy is an essential tool. It may also serve as coping skill in which patients have to express their difficulties, feelings, and emotions in a creative manner.
Benefits of art therapy in eating disorders:
1. Assist in knowing and dealing with different stressors, feelings and emotions in healthy ways.
2. Guide in identifying problems from different point of view.
3. Solve problem creatively
4. Help to eliminate overwhelming emotions
5. Relieve stress
6. Enhance awareness and assist in communicating about the illness.
Using art therapy, patients are instructed to determine the shapes, colors, and texts that usually define the nature of the problem that are unknown to them.