You are the only one if you are a creative person who has had moments or even long periods of feeling unsure about yourself or conflicted. Creative people examine the external world, delve deep, and ask questions that most people don’t even consider.
The benefit of their ability to feel and empathize is that it can be used for good—to create great art. They channel their pain into their work, and the artist transforms darkness into beauty and expression while also healing or soothing themselves. If that sounds abstract, consider how the blues transform heartache into soulful, cathartic lament. Absorb positive energy by knowing what your number carries through numerology too. This is a great way to inspire the human race by your natural abilities!
Here are a few more ways that positive thinking can help creatives stay grounded and maximize their abilities:
Positive thinking assists you in dealing with difficult situations.
Pain is unavoidable in life, but if you focus on the positive aspects of your actions, creating art can become a life-affirming, positive process. And, yes, it is possible to be positive while creating something that deals with the darker or sadder aspects of life. Try to recall a great story or ballad that does not contain melancholy or sadness. Everything from losing a loved one to the chaos of dysfunctional relationships, large-scale injustice, and racism or bigotry can be expressed through art. Making art gives artists a safe place to work through bad feelings, gain perspective, and find inner peace.
Thinkers Who Think Positively Consider this:
There is no shortage of self-help books that tell you that being positive can help you see potential opportunities that others miss. Being negative can narrow one’s vision and make it difficult to see the benefits of creating art, whether writing, painting, music, or beats.
Being optimistic can help you advance in your career.
Being a positive, proactive person who is also creative and hardworking can go a long way. Many people in positions of power prefer to surround themselves with people who energize them rather than those who drain them. It’s difficult to argue that being rained out on a film set is a bad day for the director, producer, and cast. At times like this, staying positive and proactive can help the entire team stay focused and energized. They are more likely to accept a second meeting or respond to an email if they enjoy communicating with you.
Because creating art is difficult most of the time.
Most professional screenwriters will tell you that writing is a harrowing experience. If you ask most audio engineers if their work is challenging, they’ll probably laugh at your ignorance. Is it ever going to get easier? Not really, for the most part. The more times you cross the finish line with the script you’ve sold or the song you’ve released, the more accustomed you become to the hard work of achieving your goals. You’ll become intimately acquainted with the path to the mountain’s summit as a result. After climbing it once, then twice, you’ll come to accept the effort as a necessary part of the journey. Even as you progress, you’ll realize that to grow; you must consistently push past what’s known and comfortable. Do this until it becomes second nature. Then, the next time a negative mindset clouds your vision, you’ll learn to take a step back, breathe, and tap into that wiser, more positive perspective, knowing the journey ahead is well worth it.