Art is an alternate way of expressing feelings and thoughts about things that matter to us. But in regards to environmental art however, people have tried their best to deeply understand their relationship with differing beings inhabiting in the place where they live. As a matter of fact, ecological and environmental artists have chosen various media forms to work and to explore different ways to which we can relate to nature.
Because Everything’s Connected
Read on to learn more about how mankind, art and nature are intertwined.
Nature has this innate beauty which helped in inspiring various artists. For instance, artists Georgia O’Keefe as well as Claude Monet have chosen nature as the main subject of their painting not just for its aesthetics but also, in search of defining its relationship with mankind.
By knowing more about our environment, it helps to understand where we came from and who we are.
Thus it gives a deeper and truer connection. Just the minute task of observing nature and making it visible to others is vital to artists.
It’s just impossible to miss out evidence that humans have played an immense part in altering its terrain and landscape. Environmental activists are using art in an effort to furnish education regarding the invasiveness of today’s lifestyle into ecosphere and the world as a whole. By making people aware of this is a huge step in protecting our environment from further damage.
In Some Way, Yes
You may be wondering if we need to use technology to come up with beautiful and creative environmental art. Several artists such as Kathryn Miller are advocating the approach of using natural processes and materials. Jackie Brookner for instance is using stones, water and wide varieties of mosses to generate bio-sculptures. Robert Smithson and Walter De Maria are using manmade materials and exploring how human technology can fit in natural environment. Another way of using technology is tapping into and learn the different marketing methods to promote environmental art.
Art isn’t about how you can create poignant imagery or beautiful things. Some art could directly help nature. Georg Dietzler is capable of making art using oyster mushrooms while Yolanda Guitterrez can build sculptures that act as bird dwellings.
At the end of the day, nature remains a pure source of mystery and beauty.