We often think that the best way to solve a problem is to think of the most complicated and complex formula for it. But what many do not know is that, sometimes, the solution lies in the most basic answers that are already right in front of us. While humans might only be getting started with ingenuity, the animal kingdom was actually ahead of us thousands of years in learning from trial and error.

Biomimicry as science say, is a method to create solutions to various human problems and challenges by means of emulating ideas and designs that are found in nature. Whether you believe it or not, biomimicry approach has been used in a ton of different things including:

  • Vehicles
  • Buildings
  • Designs
  • Materials

For sure, you will feel skeptical regarding this matter and it is totally acceptable. Thus, we have cited some of the most notable and unexpected technological advancement that is inspired by nature.

Bullet Trains

Would you believe that Bullet Trains were initially inspired by “Kingfisher Birds”? When Japanese engineers had been given the complex project of giving their bullet trains an upgrade, their design hit a snag. The problem does not lie on the train in getting its desired speeds. Rather, it is the enormous amount of noise that is produced by the displacement of air ahead the train.

As their trains enter tunnels, the vehicles often create loud shockwaves which is otherwise called as “tunnel boom”. The shockwaves are so powerful that it is causing structural damage to some of the tunnels.

Birth of a New Design

The team who was assigned for the design determined that the culprit was the train than the blunt front nose cap. So in an effort to minimize tunnel boom while increasing the train’s aerodynamics, they need a more streamlined nose. Eventually, the engineers modeled the next train after the beak of a Kingfisher bird. These birds actually have specialized beaks that made it possible for them to dive into the water and hunt while creating minimal splash.

By using the new nose, the next generation of bullet trains was able to reach 10% faster and consuming 15% less electricity. But the biggest achievement among all, the “tunnel boom” issue had been eliminated. Same with new bullet train designs, only D2 store with instant delivery can provide remarkable service of seeing the digital items ordered right in your avatar.